
what are we doing?

Am I the only one who picked up on this?  This somewhat new craze that's going on with magnets on a rope that's thrown into a body of water in hopes of finding something of value, doesn't make any sense. At all. Not the act of it...the given name.  More often than not, its just shit. There is no value to what comes out of the water. You pull up nothing but magnetic shit...Magnet Fishing is what it's being called.   That's the part that doesn't make any sense. "Magnet Fishing".  We don't call it "lure fishing". We just call it fishing 🎣 because we are fishing for fish . You on the other hand are not fishing at all. There is no fish involved. There is no fishing involved. It's a magnet on a rope that gives you the ability to pull up shit.  Come to think of it, if fishing and fish are the task and prize, wouldn't that mean those with magnets on ropes collecting shit are shitting ? Shitting. "I got my magnet!" "I go

And there goes...

...another boring weekend.  Well, for most of the valley anyway.  I'm sure I'll be enjoying this endless agony of solitude and social distancing for quite a few more hours before the welcome state of unconsciousness finally takes over and I can drift off to sleep where hopefully I'll dream of a world where I don't have to look forward to going to work simply because it is the last remaining provider of my nearly nonexistent social life.  As they say, "This too shall pass"... ...or is it, "fuck it, let's drink!"? Meh.... Either way.

some people.

     I'm a woodworker. Well, I can, at least pretend to be one pretty well. Because of this hobby of mine, I'm a member of quite a few woodworking groups on Facebook. One of these groups is called, Woodworking For Beginners and as I'm sure, just from the name, you can gather what and who the group is geared toward. Just to be safe though, Woodworking For Beginners is a spot where those new to the craft, those who have been at it a while and skilled craftsman alike can share ideas and projects, ask questions, advise direction, offer assistance and pretty much anything and everything of the sort.     One recent post was exactly what you might not expect to see but still fell perfectly into place amongst the sea of posts that have been made since the group was created. We will call the author of this one particular post, "Nick".     Nick looked to be somewhere between mid 20s to early to mid 30s. Nick has a severe anxiety problem and it was something that, he was sin

Not very common anymore, is it?

I would have titled this "Rare Sense" but I was afraid it might cause some confusion for those searching for subject material on the 1990s Go-Go music scene in the Greater Washington D.C. area. Man, I hope Orlando is still kickin'. Anywho... The entire purpose behind the fucking idea, concept, development, creation, production and eventual incorporation of the fucking merge lane on a freeway is to get up to speed so you can safely fucking merge!!! It's not that difficult! Think laws of motion. Think about how 2 objects can't occupy the same space at the same time. Think about mass and think about energy. Logic is not the enemy people. Excerise common sense. Think thoughts. Think. Just think.  Let us math. If subject "A" (you) is travelling at a rate of speed which is neither greater than nor equal to the rate of speed in which subject "2" (everyone else) is travelling at... ...then you're a fucking asshat.